Please fill in this form to sign up to be a volunteer at Greenwich Winter Night Shelter. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch at

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Phone number *

For example, +44 1234 567890
Date of birth *

A valid date as DD/MM/YYYY (for example: 30/11/2015)
Street address *
Street address line 2
City *
Postcode *
Do you have any medical conditions (e.g. allergies) that we need to be aware of? *
If yes, please provide details
Your emergency contact information
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact phone number *
Your relationship to emergency contact *
Volunteering at Greenwich Winter Night Shelter
I have volunteered with GWNS before *
Preferred volunteer role(s). Please see Volunteer Handbook for more details about each role. *

Any additional skills that could be helpful to us e.g. languages, social media, gardening
I am happy to be contacted at short notice if we are struggling to fill a shift *
I am happy to be a shift leader *
Are you First Aid trained within the last 3 years? *
If yes, when does your qualification expire?
Have you completed a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate within the last 3 years? *
Referee contact details
Please provide the contact details of one referee. This person can be your faith leader, employer or someone known to the charity. Once we have received their confirmation of suitability, you can start volunteering.
Name of referee *
Relationship to referee (faith leader, employer etc.) *
Referee email address *
Referee phone number
And finally...
How did you hear about us? *
Would you like to subscribe to our volunteer newsletter? *
I consent to my information being stored in line with GDPR regulations and shared with my shift leader *
Any Additional Comments